Press Release Summary: 2-way video conferencing software with per-minute billing
Press Release Body: WebVideo Cam2Cam is a complete audio and video streaming software that enables live chat in both pay-per-minute and free modes. With easy to use admin section, powerful performer software, a nice looking and fast loading client video chat, the system allows to make profit from selling live video content.Webcam conferencing software based on Java with 2-way video and audio support.
This is an extension of well known WebVideo product already used on several exisitng sites sucessfully working in a webcam business. This edition extended with 2-way video but it still based on Java and it is not needed to use 3rd party re-broadcasting system such as expensive Macromedia Flash Communication Server, because WebVideo inclues everything.
This is a turnkey solution that can be easily integrated with a various exisintg billing system, it also could be translated into any language and site can be kept running on 2 or more languages the same time.